Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What do you need in a recount

I found it easy to put the numbers in the writing. It was also easy to work with my buddy it was a lot easyer to think of the things you need in a recount.

I found it hard to share the recount with my writing buddy because the wifi was not working that good.

Next time we will make the things that you need in  recount a bit bigger in the writing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

How we can make birds feel safe while eating food.

 I am learning about what are theats of a native bird and how we can pretect them.

I found it easy to make the spikes and make a copy of it.

I found it hard to make the drawing and see the fact on the birds.

Next time I will do it faster and not to talk to my friends.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

NZ Birds

 I am learning about endemic native and introduced birds and what do they mean.

I found it easy to get a background and do finshing touchers.

I found it hard to do the polyline with my friend on the native bird slide.

Next time I will put one or two more polyline to make my slide more detailed.