This our 12 days of kiwi Christmas this was really fun because we got to do a bunch of things, like doing what we wanted to do for the slide, but we had to do something that was from New Zealand, like L'n'P and surfboards and other stuff like that. this was really fun really really fun. we were doing this because its really close to christmas. I found it hard to get my slide done (Slide nine) because I had to find a background for it, but the hard thing was that my group that I was working with were being kina mean.
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Thursday, December 10, 2020
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
This is my scratch project that I made, it was really fun because it was a challenge that me and my friend did, you can see some of his scratch projects at his blog click here to see his blog and some of his projects. this was really fun because we made a MR CHEESE MEME which was an animation meme that I made, my friend made a really good one, click here to see the project that Alex did.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Summer learning teser
I learnt how to use art coloring book. It was really fun doing this task because we got to do any colors we wanted to, this task was really fun over all.
It was hard to get the color on the picture, and to do the replaca of the picture.
Next time I will put a bit more time into the art and make some of the colors more my liking.
It was easy to get the pictures on this slide and upload the picture to my download.
Thursday, November 26, 2020
this is one of my pattern, this is made with no crives just staght lines only, it was really fun cos my friend teached me how to do this.
it was really hard cos I had to put a lot of work on to this, also at one point I was to hard to get the last two done so I just copyed and pausted it then made it like this.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
I worked really hard on this hope you like it. this project was really hard because I had to do a bunch of coding to get it right.
This was the easy part, it was that had to put a backgroung to the project and that was easy.
I really liked doing this because I got to do what I loved doing (SCRATCH) I love scratch because you can make what ever you disire thats why I love scratch
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
moment in time.
we were learning about a moment in time when a hawk was chasing a squirrel and we got to chose what animal we were for it it was pretty fun.
it was easy to get it published to the slide that I posted.
it was hard to write the writing and getting this post up in time.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
what is real and fake
We were learning about what is real and whats fake.
I found it easy to get the background it could be better.
I found it challenging to get the text box in because I was using somopaint.
Next time I will put a better background and put some more detail into drawing.
\Wednesday, November 11, 2020
We were learning about what a acrostict poam is we did one about fireworks, it was really cool hope you like it.
I found it easy to get the gif on the slide and get the background, I really liked the background because it had a guyfawkes feel with it.
I found it challenging to write the poam because I had it get the right idea for writin the poam.
Next time I will put a bit more detail in some of the slide, I really loved making this post to.
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
We learnt about how easy it is to scam people, we also learnt how to photo shop on slides.
What I enjoyed puting a dorito on donald trump. :D
It was challenging to write the post card perfecly.
It was easy to do the address
Next time I will do less scams.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
What do you need in a recount
I found it easy to put the numbers in the writing. It was also easy to work with my buddy it was a lot easyer to think of the things you need in a recount.
I found it hard to share the recount with my writing buddy because the wifi was not working that good.
Next time we will make the things that you need in recount a bit bigger in the writing.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
How we can make birds feel safe while eating food.
I am learning about what are theats of a native bird and how we can pretect them.
I found it easy to make the spikes and make a copy of it.
I found it hard to make the drawing and see the fact on the birds.
Next time I will do it faster and not to talk to my friends.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
NZ Birds
I am learning about endemic native and introduced birds and what do they mean.
I found it easy to get a background and do finshing touchers.
I found it hard to do the polyline with my friend on the native bird slide.
Next time I will put one or two more polyline to make my slide more detailed.
Friday, September 25, 2020
kahikata E-Book
I found it hard to make the video because people wanted help with there stratch game so I paused the screen cast and helped them do there game.
It was easy to get the video one to my slide and do the info that I put on my slide.
Next time I will put some more info on to what the video is about.
Rangi and Papa
Next time I will do some more work to make the slide look good.
I enjoyed the part when I traced a tiki to make it look like a real tiki that was real cool.
it was easy to find the background and get some gifs for more detail.
I was hard to make the polyline of the tiki and it was very fun to make the tiki.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Is the environment our responsibility
We were learning about how to write persuasivly. We had to write about the environment and if we agree or disagree if the environment is our responsibility.
Next time I need to get the draft writing finshed more faster and put a bit more info about what I put in.
I was easy to pubish my draft writing on to my slide and get the backgrounds.
It was hard to make my draft writing and think of pont for the first part of my draft.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
How to Stratch
I found it hard to make the video because so much people needed help.
What I need to do next time is to do my work because I helped so much people.
I found it easy to make the slide for my blog.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Stratch Commenting
We leant how to make a Stratch game it fun but doing your own game.
not finshed game yet I will tell you how to play later.
no time finsh post later.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
What I learnt in my writing is that your writing doesent have to be like three pages long its good as long as the words are rich your writing is good.
I found it easy to get the color for the drawing and also copy and paste my work to the drawing.
I found it challenging get the writing perfect I couldent add my threed paragragh.
What I could do next time is put one more paragraph and more verbs and adverbs.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020
My favorite time of day.
We were learning about our favorite time of day and what we like to do.
I found it easy to get the background for my writing and do the writing
I found it challenging to find a imige for my writing and the spelling
Next time I will add more detail to my writing and put a less one more paragraphs in my writing.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
How to make a good blog comment
We were learning about making strong words for the post.
I found it easy to get the bloger of the week gif and doing the three words.
I found it challenging to do the all of the writing part that was really hard to think of.
Next time I will finsh the post faster and put a bit more detail on my work.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
story of matariki
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Ururangi work.
We were learning about Ururangi one of the stars in the Matariki star claster.
I found it easy to insert the gifs in the slide.
I found it challenging to get all the gifs on the slide but happaly the gifs are working on blogger. :)
Next time I wil put a bit more info on my slide.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Avatar of bunny in waving grass: by Isabella and Zach>
We were learning about how to work together when we are't next to each other.
I found it easy to get the background.
I found it challenging to pick betwin my one and Isabellas one but we went with Isabellas one
Next time I will do more work on the drawing.
Thursday, June 18, 2020
matariki report
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Blog Commenting
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
my friend blog tour
Thursday, June 4, 2020
my blog tour
Thursday, May 28, 2020
About me
Hi, my name is Zach. I live in New Zealand, I'm 9 years old and go to awapuni school.
Like maths in reading. Reading and mess and some coding. I like playing video games like Minecraft in Roblox. my goal for this year is to get better at writing.
I'm looking forward to the Christmas holidays. I have had Shield 2 times in 2016 and 17. my Cybersmart teacher. My blog is Zach L @ awapuni school. Playing with my friends during the weekends since it is level 2 in New Zealand.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
About me
Friday, April 24, 2020
anzac biscuits.
wow, yum anzac biscuits home made.